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3 ways joint mobilization can reduce knee pain

3 ways joint mobilization can reduce knee pain

Knee pain can make everyday activities uncomfortable. Whether it’s due to an injury, arthritis, or general wear and tear, knee pain can limit your mobility and affect your quality of life. When it comes to treating knee pain, physical therapy offers a range of...
3 ways knee pain can cause hip pain

3 ways knee pain can cause hip pain

If you have knee pain, you might think it’s only affecting your leg. However, this isn’t always the case. Sometimes, pain in one area can cause pain in another area. The body is a deeply interconnected system. When one joint isn’t working properly, it can put extra...
3 ways knee pain can cause hip pain

8 explanations behind that burning pain in your knee

Burning pain in the knee can occur in the front, back or sides of the knee joint. There are many reasons for you to experience burning pain in your knee — injury, overuse or a strained muscle are just a few of them. If you’re experiencing burning pain in your knee,...