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Why does my back hurt when I cough?

Why does my back hurt when I cough?

Coughing is a natural reflex that helps to clear your airways of mucus and other irritants. However, for some people, coughing can also cause back pain. This can be a frustrating and uncomfortable experience. When you cough, your diaphragm contracts and your chest...
Shockwave therapy: Is it beneficial for SI joint pain?

Lower back arthritis: 10 common symptoms

Millions of people are affected by arthritis in the lower back. Arthritis is the inflammation and degeneration of a person’s joints. The lumbar spine, more commonly known as the lower back, is made up of several joints between the vertebrae that allow for flexibility...
Dry needling for back pain: 4 top benefits

Dry needling for back pain: 4 top benefits

Did you know that around 16 million adults experience chronic back pain? It can be a debilitating condition that affects everyday activities. Lifting heavy objects, walking and even lying down can be uncomfortable if you’re dealing with back pain. Symptoms of back...